Fracture Your World
Let DinoFracture bring life to your Unity game! Break any mesh into pieces and watch them tumble at your command.

Dynamic Destruction
DinoFracture will shatter and slice any mesh you have at your command. You can choose to fracture your objects in response to collisions or an event under your control.
Objects can be shattered into evenly sized pieces, sliced precisely by a plane, or chipped away at a point of collision.
If your object has a rigid body, the mass will be proportionally distributed to pieces, allowing them to tumble in a realistic manner.

Easy Integration
Your game is complicated enough, so we made DinoFracture simple to use. A single component is all that is needed to get started.
Want to have your object fracture on collisions or play a breaking sound? Simply drop one of the included components onto the object.
Template prefabs are provided to enable functionality, like rigid body support, on the broken pieces. You are free to supply your own template for your needs too.

Extend Indefinitely
Every game has special requirements that can never be caught by a single package. That is why DinoFracture is designed to be extended.
Write your own components that extend functionality. You can respond to fracture events and be given a list of generate game object pieces. Or, start a fracture on your command.

Superior Support
To get set up common scenarios, a demo scene is provided with the plugin. Pick and choose what matters to you for your game.
Any time you are stuck, there's help waiting for you. Your questions and issues help make DinoFracture better for everyone.